Terry’s Schwinn Hornet bicycle in 1955

I was just remembering that we would ride our bikes over to his 17th st home and his mom would remind Terry that he couldn’t play until his cores were completed. I remember walking upstairs at that house. It was a bit small as I recall. He had one of the best bikes made at the time. Schwinn Hornet 1955 like this one. Everybody envied him for that bike. I am sure his dad and mom made him work for it or it was a Christmas gift. We wore out our bikes together.

Dennis Schaffner, Billy Bader, Butch Bayhouse, Bill Tietjen and several others were part of our boy-band of friends. We were the Little Rascals.

Message to Alice Jager

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Message to Kip Drewry

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Message to Eileen Hoverson

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Post from Paula

Keith! Quit with the hyberole! I get anxious with pressure to live up to all that, but thank you for the kind words–(me ,scary? … now there’s an odd thought.)

Have you ever noticed what an accomplished and talented class we had? Pretty amazing. Russ Renk’s sent me his profile– all those degrees! I told my sister. “While Russ was collecting degrees’, I was collecting husbands–I think he had a better idea.” But no regrets from me. I learned something from every experience even if I am a ‘slow learner’ in that department.

Similarly, I had no idea Keith had created this website 30 yr ago and apparently has maintained it all this time–would that make him a “WebMaster?” Impressive! Thanks for your efforts Keith! (I’m still figuring out Word, and don’t even mention Excel!) Since FB is forbidden in Paula-Land, Keith’s web-creation is a great alternative. Emailing with Russ & Keith, chatting with Doug at the gym has been getting me jazzed for the 50th reunion… Thanks to all of you who are organizing it– if you need an extra pair of hands, let me know. I’m around.
I’ve been looking through Boxes and Boxes of ‘stuff’ to find photos, etc. Omigosh, the things I saved, and this is only half of what was once there… Everything from 50 yr old newspaper clippings to dried up prom corsages….so many memories…It will be wonderful to see all who share in those memories this august. Love to all


To Marty

Hi Marty– I am trying to figure out this website and get cozy with it, so will do some practice postings.  I don’t spend much time on the computer in daily life, so it takes a bit of accommodating.

Marty, I have been through about half of my boxes of  ‘stuff’ — I am amazed by how few photos I have of  us together– as much time as we spent  walking in the Highlands and yakking, I thought there would be more… Maybe because we didn’t have selfies then.  Often there  was no 3d person to take the photo.  I have many of you individually.

I hope you can make it to the  reunion… I know the timing of the reunion is bad for you, and understand if you can’t make it, but hope that something good changes and you will be here.   I will send you a more complete email later– this is just for practice on web-site.  xo




To “Butch” my star-crossed lover

You and I  have had the worst luck with ‘close calls.’   First, in High School, my parents come home early from an outing and find us in the upstairs bedroom….  Then, 30 years later, your son Scott walks into the hotel room and finds us in a cozy embrace and yells “BUSTED”    Scared me half to death.

…I suggest we ditch our plan to rob a bank together– it can only go bad!  But it would be SUCH fun!     Think of the headlines,  “Two senior citizens rob bank and get caught.”   (it would update your golf newsclippings.)

Looking forward to seeing you again…So far, our get-togethers have been interesting at minimum!   (Don’t bring Scott.)  Hey!  He has to be older than 18 by now– he was 18 THEN,  I think.  You gotta update that profile!

To Keith

Well,  NO WONDER you created this website… Its what you do!   Wow, you started really early in the data business.  I first started hearing about computers in the early 70’s in Germany.  I worked with some Air Force  guys who thought they were in the vanguard of the ‘revolution.’   You must have had one of the first degree’s from BSU in the field.  Pretty cool that you were so intuitive about the future.

David (Dave) Lachiondo Profile

David Lachiondo

168 S. Villa Place

Boise, Idaho

Cell: 208-447-8975

Family: Wife, Patti  Children: Diana, 34, Alicia, 31,  Son-in-Law: Roger Turcotte (Diana’s Husband). Grandsons:  Henry, 6, Julian, 2


Associate Director of Basque Studies at Boise State University

President, Bishop Kelly High School, 2004-2010

Area Director Boise Public Schools , 2001-2004

Principal, Bishop Kelly High School 1989-2001

Principal, Fairmont Junior High School (Boise) 1986-1989

Asst. Principal, Boise High School, 1980-1984 and 1985-1986

Guidance Counselor, Boise High School, 1973-1980

Teacher/Coach, Garces Memorial High School, Bakersfield, California, 1969-1972


B.A. Saint Mary’s College of California, 1969

M.Ed. Idaho State University, 1973

Ph.D. University of Idaho, 1985


Reading, fishing, cycling


Idaho Humanities Council

Visiting Professor (University Students Abroad Consortium), San Sebastian, Spain

Mayor’s Task Force on Alcohol and Drugs

Board member of United Way

Basque Studies Foundation Board

Basque Soccer Friendly Organizing Committee


After 31 years in secondary education, I semi-retired from Bishop Kelly in 2010.  When I arrived at BK in 1989, the enrollment was 325 (much less than when we attended) and was approaching 700 when I retired in 2010  It is now almost 775 students.  If you have not already looked at it, Keith has posted a promotional video, BK Draft, on the reunion home page.

Based on the responses that I have received, it sounds like many of you are planning on attending.  I am certainly looking forward to it.


Message to Kathe Dennis

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Message to Andy Brock

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Message to Paula Brown

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I have received a couple of emails from Paula in the last week or so and I highly recommend “poking a stick” at Paula. She is absolutely hilarious, quick witted, bright, intelligent, and scary. No wonder men are scared of her (assuming “scared” is the right word). My daughter Kimberly is just like her, if you don’t pay attention, her humor and wit will leave you in the dust. Want a thrill? Send Paula an email, you won’t regret it. I really look forward to our reunion in August 2015. ~ Keith Kramis

Message to Kathy Simpson

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Message to Cecilia Kiser

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Message to Paul Bayhouse

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Message to Dennis Schaffner

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